The Berkeley Earth source code and data are available from the following links:
- Source Code and data: download (added Jan, 2013)
The source code is provided “as is” and experience with Matlab is required to install and run the code. The application includes various options for running the analysis as well as the actual Matlab datasets used in the current analysis. Support is provided on a purely discretionary basis. Contact steve
Berkeley Earth Analysis SVN
The source code and data for the Berkeley Earth averaging method is available for direct download, or users can access the data and code using SVN. The repository is located at the following url:
The username is “installer” and the password is “temperature”. The system is built nightly and the code is current. Direct all inquiries to steve
Berkeley Earth Analysis Change Log
Since its publication in early 2013, the code base continues to be refined and improved. The code provides the best documentation of the changes that have been made. A change log summarizing the major changes will be available shortly.
Berkeley Earth Analysis Bug Reports
We encourage users of the data and the code to submit bug reports and data questions to steve Contributions will be acknowledged accordingly.
Berkeley Earth Analysis Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements for contributions, bug reports and feedback is located here: . If you believe you have made a contribution that we missed, please email steve