Temperature Station List: ARB

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
ARBA MINCH53EthiopiaJan 1987Oct 2013
ARBOLES 1W129United StatesNov 1957Jul 2007
ARBON 2 NW447United StatesJul 1962Oct 2002
ARBORETUM UNIV WIS498United StatesOct 1971Oct 2013
ARBORG611CanadaNov 1960Sep 2013
ARBORVILLE111United StatesJan 1893Nov 1902
ARBOVALE 2178United StatesApr 1908Jul 1974
ARBUCKLE BASIN CALIFORNIA217United StatesJan 1995Oct 2013
ARBUCKLE MTN274United StatesNov 1988Oct 2013

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