Temperature Station List: AVA

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
AVA 12 SW139United StatesFeb 2002Sep 2013
AVA 6W73United StatesSep 2006Oct 2013
AVA MISSOURI148United StatesApr 2001Oct 2013
AVALON340United StatesOct 1896Dec 1925
AVALON111AustraliaAug 2004Oct 2013
AVALON AIRPORT213AustraliaJun 1995Oct 2013
AVALON PLEASURE PIER1224United StatesDec 1909Oct 2013
AVALON/CATALINA166United StatesJul 1943Oct 2013
AVANGARD ZERNOSOVHOZ19RussiaMar 2012Oct 2013
AVAO71Western SamoaJun 1994Oct 2000
AVATA58Western SamoaJun 1994Sep 2000

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