Temperature Station List: BLO

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
BLOCK ISLAND STATE ARPT1585United StatesSep 1880Oct 2013
BLOCKTON 2 S6United StatesMar 1893Oct 1899
BLOEMENDAAL38NetherlandsDec 1996Apr 2001
BLOEMFONTEIN (HERTZOG AIR830South AfricaJan 1943Oct 2013
BLOEMHOF136South AfricaMar 1998Jan 2012
BLOIS142FranceOct 2001Oct 2013
BLOMSKOG450SwedenJan 1973Oct 2013
BLOMSKOG352SwedenOct 1964Dec 1995
BLOMSKOG_A197SwedenAug 1995Dec 2011
BLONAY480ColombiaJan 1951Dec 2000
BLONDUOS403IcelandJan 1949Oct 2013
BLOOD INDIAN CREEK49CanadaNov 1983Aug 1989
BLOOD TRIBE AGDM, ALTA110CanadaJul 2004Oct 2013
BLOODY DICK272United StatesOct 1989Oct 2013
BLOOM91United StatesMar 1927Dec 1935
BLOOMER806United StatesJan 1945Oct 2013
BLOOMERY41United StatesDec 1893May 1897
BLOOMFIELD670United StatesAug 1906Aug 1968
BLOOMFIELD121United StatesDec 1905Nov 1918
BLOOMFIELD 1 WNW1094United StatesAug 1906Oct 2013
BLOOMFIELD 3 SE1278United StatesDec 1892Oct 2013
BLOOMFIELD 5 NNE523United StatesJan 1909Sep 2012
BLOOMFIELD WEST499CanadaApr 1896Mar 1997
BLOOMING GROVE21United StatesJan 1896Sep 1897
BLOOMING PRAIRIE133United StatesJan 1893Oct 1904
BLOOMINGBURG 2 SW50United StatesNov 2008Jan 2013
BLOOMINGDALE1256United StatesApr 1904Oct 2013
BLOOMINGTON 2 S16United StatesJan 1908Jun 1909
BLOOMINGTON 5W170United StatesSep 1999Oct 2013
BLOOMINGTON INDIANA UNIV1375United StatesFeb 1896Oct 2013
BLOOMINGTON MONROE CO AP333United StatesOct 1973Oct 2013
BLOOMINGTON NORMAL1437United StatesJan 1893Oct 2013
BLOOMINGTON NORMAL AP9United StatesMar 2005Dec 2005
BLOOMINGTON WATERWORKS17United StatesJan 1976Sep 1979
BLOOMINGTON-IN-UNIV1187United StatesJan 1868Dec 1990
BLOOMSBURG NEAR383United StatesJan 1894Jun 1943
BLOSERVILLE 1 N599United StatesJun 1914May 2007
BLOUNTSTOWN 2 SE699United StatesAug 1908Aug 1982
BLOUNTVILLE 6 SW103United StatesAug 1997Oct 2006
BLOWHARD MTN RADAR479United StatesJul 1964Mar 2006
BLOWING ROCK 1 NW731United StatesFeb 1893May 2009
BLOXHAM FLORIDA117United StatesMar 2003Oct 2013

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