Temperature Station List: BOT

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
BOTANIC GARD390Dominican RepublicJan 1921Dec 1965
BOTANIC GARD96St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and the GrenadinesJan 1898Dec 1905
BOTANIC STAT251Antigua, Barbuda, St. Kitts, and NevisJan 1917Dec 1941
BOTEV VRAH (TOP/SOMMET)790BulgariaJan 1946Oct 2013
BOTHELL 2 N320United StatesJun 1931May 1959
BOTHWELL (FRANKLIN STREET)184AustraliaJan 1965Mar 1989
BOTIEVE122UkraineFeb 1970May 2004
BOTOSANI590RomaniaSep 1959Oct 2013
BOTOSANI588RomaniaJan 1961Dec 2009
BOTTINEAU1394United StatesFeb 1892Oct 2013
BOTTINEAU STATE PARK17United StatesApr 1948Nov 1949
BOTTOM OF PIN GIN HILL180AustraliaJan 1965Aug 1982
BOTWOOD,NF392CanadaSep 1937May 1995

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