Temperature Station List: BUG

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
BUG LAKE259United StatesJun 1990Oct 2013
BUGABOO CREEK LODGE282CanadaOct 1972Nov 1998
BUGARIHTA308RussiaDec 1960May 2001
BUGDAYLI RA23TurkmenistanOct 1996Mar 1999
BUGGS ISLAND DAM44United StatesMar 1948Oct 1951
BUGOJNA47Bosnia and HerzegovinaAug 1975Mar 1992
BUGOJNO504Bosnia and HerzegovinaJan 1951Oct 2013
BUGRINO163RussiaSep 1975Oct 2013
BUGT967ChinaJan 1914Oct 2013
BUGT682ChinaJan 1957Oct 2013
BUGULMA FORMER603RussiaOct 1949Oct 2013
BUGURUSLAN86RussiaDec 1937Oct 2013

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