Temperature Station List: BUS

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
BUSAN1315Korea, SouthApr 1904Oct 2013
BUSAYAH24IraqOct 1978Jan 1990
BUSBY1213United StatesMay 1907Oct 2013
BUSBY229CanadaOct 1993Aug 2013
BUSBY AGCM, ALTA74CanadaApr 1995Oct 2013
BUSHEHR4IranApr 1998Mar 2004
BUSHEHR (AIRPORT)1303IranApr 1876Oct 2013
BUSHLAND 1 WSW109United StatesOct 2004Oct 2013
BUSHNELL173United StatesJan 1893Apr 1909
BUSHNELL 1 E848United StatesSep 1918Sep 2013
BUSHNELL 15S133United StatesMay 2002Oct 2013
BUSHNELL FLORIDA AAF14United StatesJun 1944Aug 1945
BUSHY PARK (BUSHY PARK ESTATES)931AustraliaJan 1931Oct 2013
BUSICK NORTH CAROLINA125United StatesMar 2003Oct 2013
BUSKIRK32United StatesJan 2011Sep 2013
BUSSELTON (BUSSELTON POST OFFI1060AustraliaMay 1900Nov 2011
BUSSELTON AERO193AustraliaOct 1997Oct 2013
BUST62AfghanistanFeb 1975Feb 1986
BUSTARD HEAD LIGHTHOUSE242AustraliaJan 1965Jun 1986
BUSTLETON92United StatesOct 1918Oct 1927
BUSTONABAD5TajikistanDec 1975Nov 1976

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