Temperature Station List: COVIN

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
COVINA CITY YRD FC387B154United StatesJan 1922May 1949
COVINGTON1228United StatesApr 1878Apr 2013
COVINGTON 3 SW1382United StatesDec 1891Oct 2013
COVINGTON 4 NNW1348United StatesFeb 1893Oct 2009
COVINGTON 4 SW212United StatesOct 1962Nov 1981
COVINGTON FILTER PLANT620United StatesOct 1960Oct 2013
COVINGTON MUNI ARPT34United StatesSep 2010Jul 2013
COVINGTON-1W1253United StatesMar 1883Dec 1990
COVINGTON-4NNW1115United StatesSep 1892Dec 1990

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