Temperature Station List: DI

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
DIABAIG90United KingdomOct 1980Oct 1988
DIABLO199United StatesSep 1959Feb 1979
DIABLO DAM1098United StatesJan 1915Oct 2013
DIABLO GRANDE CALIFORNIA180United StatesSep 1998Oct 2013
DIALVILLE 2 W896United StatesSep 1897Jul 1978
DIAMANTINA117BrazilJan 1991Dec 2000
DIAMANTINO5BrazilJan 1979Oct 1979
DIAMOND195United StatesJan 1893Jul 1913
DIAMOND 2 W237United StatesFeb 1993Sep 2013
DIAMOND 4 NW201United StatesOct 1958Jul 1975
DIAMOND 4 WNW88United StatesJan 1893Sep 1900
DIAMOND BAR RANCH39United StatesAug 1952Jul 1956
DIAMOND FLAT IDAHO122United StatesJul 1999Oct 2013
DIAMOND ISLAND737Burma / MyanmarFeb 1878Sep 1940
DIAMOND LAKE LODGE323United StatesMay 1927Oct 2013
DIAMOND M RANCH174United StatesMay 1999Oct 2013
DIAMOND PEAK265United StatesAug 1990Oct 2013
DIAMOND POND159United StatesDec 1997Nov 2011
DIAMOND RIM356United StatesNov 1983Oct 2013
DIAMOND SHOALS61United StatesApr 2005Jul 2010
DIAMOND SHOALS (LS)204United StatesMay 1985Jul 2003
DIAMOND SHOALS(CGS)21United StatesOct 1975Aug 1977
DIAMOND SPRINGS852United StatesMar 1909Dec 1980
DIAMOND T RANCH31United StatesJan 1947Feb 1952
DIAMOND VALLEY - EUREKA 14NNW336United StatesAug 1979Oct 2013
DIAMOND VALLEY POLLARD79United StatesApr 1963Sep 1970
DIAN44VietnamNov 1966Feb 1971
DIANA 2 W8United StatesDec 2012Sep 2013
DIBA131OmanJul 2001Oct 2013
DIBRUGARH /MOHANBARI1335IndiaJul 1901Oct 2013
DICHUN192RussiaJan 1969Feb 1988
DICKENS203United StatesMay 1964Oct 1984
DICKIE BROOK92CanadaDec 1982May 1994
DICKINSON MUNICIPAL AP882United StatesMar 1940Oct 2013
DICKINSON RANCH HQ382United StatesJun 1981Sep 2013
DICKINSON, NORTH DAK1420United StatesJan 1893Jul 2012
DICKSON1350United StatesMay 1885Oct 2013
DICKSON DAM123CanadaJun 1983Nov 2007
DIDSBURY192CanadaJul 1902Jul 1919
DIEGO GARCIA/MAURITIUS706Chagos Archipelago [United Kingdom]Nov 1954Oct 2013
DIEGO SUAREZ953MadagascarJan 1933Oct 2013
DIENER50United StatesJun 1921Jul 1927
DIEPENBEEK48Belgium and LuxemborgNov 2009Oct 2013
DIEPHOLZ403GermanyJan 1973Oct 2013
DIEPPE355FranceJan 1984Oct 2013
DIEPWALLE - BOS138South AfricaApr 1981Jan 1993
DIERKS DAM218United StatesJul 1959Nov 2004
DIETRICH CAMP18United StatesOct 1970Apr 1972
DIFFA246NigerJan 1986Oct 2013
DIGBOI13IndiaSep 1944Oct 1945
DIGBY CKDY844CanadaJan 1915Apr 1997
DIGBY PRIM POINT227CanadaAug 1965May 1985
DIJON-LONGVIC869FranceJan 1845Oct 2013
DIKANAS/SKANSNAS66SwedenJul 1974Feb 1999
DIKANAS_SKANSNAS493SwedenSep 1966Jul 2011
DIKILI473TurkeyJan 1961Oct 2013
DIL DUC291TurkeyJan 1961Jun 1985
DILGA143RomaniaMay 1983Nov 1999
DILIA789United StatesMar 1944Sep 2013
DILL'S CAMP310United StatesAug 1986Oct 2013
DILLANT HOPKINS372United StatesMay 1973Oct 2013
DILLEY1048United StatesMay 1916Jun 2008
DILLI/DILLI AIRPORT543East TimorJan 1917Aug 1989
DILLINGER772United StatesSep 1947Aug 2013
DILLINGHAM 17 NW28United StatesJan 1981May 1983
DILLINGHAM/FAA AIRPORT940United StatesFeb 1919Oct 2013
DILLION U OF MONTANA WESTERN1371United StatesFeb 1895Oct 2013
DILLON1005United StatesFeb 1904Oct 2013
DILLON 1 E1226United StatesMay 1910Oct 2013
DILLON 18 WSW74United StatesAug 2007Oct 2013
DILLON AIRPORT1324United StatesJan 1898Oct 2013
DILLON SAWRS8United StatesJul 1973Apr 1974
DILLON-1E941United StatesSep 1910Dec 1990
DILLON-WMCE1114United StatesFeb 1895Dec 1990
DILOLO220ZaireJan 1952Nov 1974
DIMBOKRO788Cote D'IvoireJan 1945Oct 2013
DIMITROVGRAD415SerbiaJun 1975Oct 2013
DIMITROVGRAD19RussiaMar 2012Oct 2013
DIMMITT 2 N611United StatesJun 1962Oct 2013
DIMONDALE 1 WSW28United StatesMar 1972Sep 1977
DINAJPUR671BangladeshJan 1931Dec 2000
DINAMET-URUGUAY294AntarcticaMar 1986Oct 2013
DINAR324TurkeyJan 1964Dec 1990
DINARD465FranceJan 1973Oct 2013
DINGHAI780ChinaJan 1933Oct 2013
DINGLE106SwedenJan 1994Oct 2002
DINGTAO223ChinaApr 1995Oct 2013
DINKEY CALIFORNIA155United StatesJul 2000Oct 2013
DINNEHOTSO188United StatesJul 1950Nov 1974
DINNER PLAIN (MOUNT HOTHAM AIR145AustraliaSep 2000Jan 2013
DINOSAUR 2 E111United StatesAug 2004Oct 2013
DINOSAUR N.M. COLORADO183United StatesAug 1998Oct 2013
DINOSAUR NATIONAL MONUMEN706United StatesMar 1916Sep 2013
DINOSAUR NATL MONUMNT565United StatesJun 1965Aug 2013
DINSMORE194CanadaDec 1976Jul 1998
DINWIDDIE53United StatesOct 1904Jun 1909
DIOURBEL723SenegalJan 1951Oct 2013
DIPKARPAZ32CyprusJul 2009Oct 2013
DIPLOG37PhilippinesOct 1983Dec 1986
DIPOLOG698PhilippinesJan 1951Oct 2013
DIR117PakistanJan 1969Dec 1979
DIR83PakistanAug 2006Jul 2013
DIRA DAWA18EthiopiaJun 1991May 2013
DIRE DANA693EthiopiaMay 1952Sep 2013
DIRKSHOOP118SurinameJan 1971Dec 1980
DISASTER PEAK275United StatesOct 1989Oct 2013
DISCONTINUED 81062270CanadaJan 1973May 1981
DISCOVERY ISLAND151CanadaNov 1992Oct 2013
DISENTIS-SEDRU409SwitzerlandSep 1979Oct 2013
DISFORTH AIRFIELD255United KingdomMay 1992Oct 2013
DISMAL SWAMP215United StatesAug 1990Oct 2013
DISPUTANTA82United StatesAug 2006Jul 2013
DISRAELI828CanadaJan 1911Apr 1991
DISSTON 1 NE LAYING CREEK13United StatesJul 1951Oct 1975
DISTRICT HEIGHTS138United StatesAug 1945Jan 1957
DITCHLEY 1 S20United StatesOct 1952May 1954
DIVERSION DAM1137United StatesMar 1908Jun 2012
DIVERSION-DAM887United StatesMar 1908Dec 1990
DIVIDALEN588NorwayJan 1957Jul 2009
DIVIDALEN II41NorwayFeb 2010Oct 2013
DIVIDE755United StatesJan 1948Sep 2013
DIVIDE277United StatesOct 1989Oct 2013
DIVIDE 4 NW26United StatesJun 2011Sep 2013
DIVIDE PEAK296United StatesSep 1986Oct 2013
DIVNOE517RussiaJan 1969Oct 2013
DIVRIGI322TurkeyJan 1964Dec 1990
DIWANIYA488IraqJan 1940Jun 1990
DIWOPU300ChinaFeb 1988Oct 2013
DIX HILLS48United StatesAug 1987Jul 1991
DIXIE NORTH703United StatesJul 1952Oct 2013
DIXIE VALLEY ANDERSON55United StatesApr 1972Apr 1979
DIXIE VALLEY BOYER9United StatesJan 1982Nov 1982
DIXON650United StatesFeb 1922Apr 1978
DIXON 1 NW1401United StatesMay 1888Dec 2012
DIXON 3 NE243United StatesMay 1949Dec 1969
DIXON SPRINGS AGR CENTER526United StatesDec 1943Jul 2013
DIXON SPRINGS ILLINOIS132United StatesJun 2002Oct 2013
DIXON-1NW1243United StatesFeb 1881Dec 1990
DIYARBAKIR1016TurkeyJan 1929Oct 2013
DIYATALAWA45Sri LankaSep 2009Oct 2013
DIYATALAWA SRI942Sri LankaFeb 1901Dec 1980

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