Temperature Station List: DOD

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
DODGE534United StatesSep 1959Aug 2013
DODGE CENTER144United StatesSep 2001Oct 2013
DODGE CITY MU, KS1255United StatesJan 1900May 2005
DODGE CITY MUNICIPAL ARPT1667United StatesOct 1874Oct 2013
DODGE CREEK WYOMING300United StatesSep 1988Oct 2013
DODGE CTR AP10United StatesJan 2005Dec 2005
DODGEVILLE992United StatesAug 1896Oct 2013
DODGEVILLE WISCONSIN168United StatesApr 1997Oct 2013
DODOMA MET. STATION558TanzaniaJan 1957Oct 2013
DODSON 6 ENE350United StatesFeb 1909Oct 1939
DODSON 6 WNW103United StatesJan 1931Oct 1939

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