Temperature Station List: DOW

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
DOWAGIAC 1 W879United StatesJun 1939Sep 2013
DOWD JUNCTION COLORADO317United StatesJul 1985Oct 2013
DOWLING CEECOM16United StatesApr 2011Jul 2013
DOWNEY72United StatesDec 1895Nov 1902
DOWNEY FIRE DEPT. FC107C8United StatesApr 1906Jan 1907
DOWNEYVILLE89United StatesMay 1889Oct 1897
DOWNIEVILLE944United StatesJun 1911Oct 2012
DOWNING254United StatesOct 1920Oct 2013
DOWNING 1 E386United StatesJul 1902Aug 1937
DOWNSVILLE DAM378United StatesMay 1959Sep 2013
DOWSING (LGT-VSL)102United KingdomJul 1973May 1982

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