Temperature Station List: EME

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
EMECK155RussiaMay 1979Oct 2013
EMEI SHAN752ChinaJan 1951Oct 2013
EMERALD AIRPORT328AustraliaJul 1984Oct 2013
EMERALD POST OFFICE NOW 031173AustraliaNov 1889Jun 1992
EMERSON AUT906CanadaJul 1877Feb 2009
EMERSON AUTO, MAN135CanadaOct 2001Oct 2013
EMERY900United StatesFeb 1901Aug 1978
EMERY 15 SW84United StatesJul 1979Jun 1986
EMERY CREEK270United StatesOct 1989Oct 2013

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