Temperature Station List: FON

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
FOND DU LAC1443United StatesMay 1891Sep 2013
FOND DU LAC 2 SW45United StatesJan 2010Oct 2013
FOND DU LAC AP ASOS205United StatesAug 1996Oct 2013
FOND DU LAC,SA325CanadaOct 1905Sep 1938
FOND-DU-LAC1210United StatesJan 1888Dec 1990
FONDA32United StatesJun 1945May 1949
FONNI238ItalyJan 1954Sep 2006
FONTANA119United StatesFeb 1958Nov 1968
FONTANA KAISER564United StatesJan 1931Aug 1984
FONTAS LO6CanadaJun 2004Jun 2007
FONTE BOA255BrazilJan 1988Dec 2011
FONTENELLE188CanadaDec 1972Jan 1991
FONTENELLE4United StatesDec 1903Nov 1906
FONTENELLE DAM545United StatesJul 1963Sep 2013
FONTENELLE DAM541United StatesJul 1963Nov 2011
FONTHILL105CanadaNov 1945Jun 1969

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