Temperature Station List: GLO

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
GLOBE #2151United StatesAug 1975Dec 2008
GLOBE ARIZONA200United StatesApr 1990Apr 2013
GLOBE RANGER STN1118United StatesJul 1894Oct 2013
GLOMFJORD1130NorwayJan 1916Mar 2010
GLOMMEN288SwedenJul 1970May 1995
GLOMMERSTRASK498SwedenDec 1967Dec 2011
GLORIETA RCH150United StatesSep 1913Dec 1928
GLOUCESTER (CGS)125United StatesOct 1975Feb 1995
GLOUCESTERSHIRE309United KingdomOct 1977Oct 2013
GLOVERSVILLE1166United StatesMay 1892Nov 1990
GLOVERSVILLE PECKS POND1361United StatesJan 1893Aug 2013

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