Temperature Station List: JAS

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
JASACNAJA191RussiaJun 1979Oct 1996
JASGA66TurkmenistanDec 1975Apr 1997
JASK672IranFeb 1893Aug 1949
JASK363IranJan 1971Oct 2013
JASLOVSKE BOHUNICE43SlovakiaMar 2010Oct 2013
JASLYK187UzbekistanDec 1975Oct 2013
JASPER655United StatesMar 1893Nov 2010
JASPER61United StatesApr 1893Aug 1898
JASPER 1 NNW869United StatesMay 1940Oct 2013
JASPER 5 WNW1003United StatesJan 1898Oct 2013
JASPER CO BELL FLD AP413United StatesJan 1898Oct 2013
JASPER EAST GATE302CanadaJan 1971Nov 2007
JASPER WARDEN, ALTA251CanadaSep 1991Oct 2013
JASPER WEST GATE189CanadaJul 1974Jun 1999
JASPER,ALTA.909CanadaFeb 1914Jul 1995
JASPER-HINTON12CanadaMar 2004Jul 2005

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