Temperature Station List: LAWR

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
LAWRENCE1818United StatesJan 1856Oct 2013
LAWRENCE1767United StatesJul 1857Oct 2013
LAWRENCE293United StatesJan 1893Mar 1920
LAWRENCE159CanadaAug 1966Oct 1981
LAWRENCE J TIMMERMAN288United StatesJan 1973Oct 2013
LAWRENCE MUNICIPAL AP450United StatesJan 1951Oct 2013
LAWRENCE MUNICIPAL AP196United StatesJun 1997Oct 2013
LAWRENCEBURG77United StatesApr 1993Sep 1999
LAWRENCEBURG FILTER PLT696United StatesOct 1954Sep 2013
LAWRENCEVILLE260United StatesMar 1963Jul 2013
LAWRENCEVILLE 1 S905United StatesNov 1896Jun 1974
LAWRENCEVILLE 3 E734United StatesDec 1922May 2010
LAWRENCEVILLE 3 SW917United StatesJul 1931Jul 2008
LAWRENCEVILLE INTL AP199United StatesOct 1996Oct 2013
LAWRENCEVILLE VINCENNES INTL197United StatesMar 1997Oct 2013

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