Temperature Station List: MCG

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
MCGAFFEY 5 SE747United StatesAug 1932Sep 2013
MCGEE CREEK DAM343United StatesJul 1982Feb 2012
MCGILL1269United StatesMay 1891Oct 2013
MCGILL JUNCTION NEVADA110United StatesNov 1986Mar 1997
MCGIVNEY257CanadaDec 1953May 1976
MCGRATH KUSKOKWIM RVR869United StatesJun 1941Oct 2013
MCGRAW BROOK291CanadaNov 1969Sep 1995
MCGREGOR62CanadaDec 1965Sep 1973
MCGREGOR RANGE BASE19United StatesMay 2010Aug 2013
MCGUIRES CALIFORNIA232United StatesMay 1990Oct 2013

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