Temperature Station List: ORE

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
OREBO587SwedenJan 1859Dec 1907
OREBRO261SwedenSep 1991Oct 2013
OREBRO196SwedenAug 1996Oct 2013
OREBRO/EKEBY (DEAD)111SwedenJan 1973Aug 1982
OREBRO_A182SwedenAug 1995Dec 2011
OREBRO_AUT507SwedenJan 1961Jun 2005
OREGON1313United StatesJan 1893Sep 2013
OREGON CITY759United StatesFeb 1948Sep 2013
OREGON INLET37United StatesAug 1939Feb 1943
OREGON INLET (CGS)82United StatesOct 1975Apr 1986
OREGON INLET MARINA61United StatesAug 2008Oct 2013
OREGON WATERWORKS93United StatesJan 1893Aug 1913
OREGRUND78SwedenJan 1961Aug 1967
OREL661RussiaSep 1949Oct 2013
OREM TREATMENT PLANT304United StatesAug 1982May 2010
ORENBOURG/TCHKALOV WS9990401957RussiaJan 1832Oct 2013
ORENSE312SpainNov 1985Dec 2011

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