Temperature Station List: ORI

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
ORICK PRAIRIE CREEK PARK825United StatesMay 1937Oct 2012
ORIENTAL174United StatesMay 1952Feb 1968
ORIENTAL WASH NEVADA321United StatesOct 1986Oct 2013
ORILLIA BRAIN1053CanadaSep 1892Jun 2011
ORIMATTILA KAKELA573FinlandJan 1960Dec 2007
ORINDA BOWMAN188United StatesSep 1944Jun 1960
ORISKA123United StatesMay 1905Jan 1918
ORIZABA VER.243MexicoNov 1984Oct 2013
ORIZATLAN, HIDALGO474MexicoJul 1942Sep 1983

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