Temperature Station List: RAL

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
RALEIGH 4 SW841United StatesJan 1921May 2010
RALEIGH 6 N157United StatesJun 2000Sep 2013
RALEIGH DURHAM INTERNATIONAL1522United StatesJan 1887Oct 2013
RALEIGH MUNI AP64United StatesJul 1939Nov 1944
RALEIGH STATE UNIV1402United StatesFeb 1892Sep 2013
RALEIGH, NC1257United StatesJan 1900May 2005
RALPH 1 N726United StatesJul 1941Jul 2003
RALPH WENZ FLD104United StatesDec 2004Oct 2013
RALSTON648United StatesApr 1959Oct 2013
RALSTON RESERVOIR198United StatesSep 1978Oct 2013

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