Temperature Station List: SIG

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
SIGATOKA AWS4FijiJul 2013Oct 2013
SIGHETUL MARMATIEI412RomaniaJul 1965Mar 2005
SIGMARINGEN93GermanyFeb 1995Aug 2007
SIGNAL145United StatesJan 1893Jul 1907
SIGNAL HILL179CanadaDec 1984Dec 2000
SIGNAL PEAK289United StatesFeb 1987Oct 2013
SIGNAL PEAK70United StatesOct 1934Sep 1943
SIGNAL PEAK - MONROE 5E UTAH342United StatesJul 1983Oct 2013
SIGNAL TREE OREGON254United StatesMay 1990Oct 2013
SIGNEY ISLAND SOUTH ORKNEY ISL584AntarcticaJan 1947Dec 1995
SIGOURNEY1383United StatesFeb 1896Sep 2013
SIGUIRI GUIN SIGU339GuineaJan 1945Mar 1997
SIGURD U P & L168United StatesJul 1981Jul 1995

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