Temperature Station List: SOC

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
SOCHI (ADLER)518RussiaJan 1959Oct 2013
SOCI U.S.S.R. S1551RussiaJan 1881Sep 2012
SOCIETY HILL 6 S771United StatesJan 1893Jun 1959
SOCORRO339United StatesApr 1918Oct 1950
SOCORRO 17 WSW40United StatesJul 2010Oct 2013
SOCORRO 20 N125United StatesJun 2003Oct 2013
SOCORRO MUNI AP1390United StatesNov 1849Oct 2013
SOCORRO MUNICIPAL42United StatesNov 2009Sep 2013
SOCOTRA/RAS KARMA114YemenJun 1997Oct 2013
SOCTRANG145VietnamJan 1901Dec 1954

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