Temperature Station List: STANL

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
STANLEY626United StatesJul 1916Oct 2013
STANLEY88United StatesJul 2006Oct 2013
STANLEY 1 NNE670United StatesDec 1954Dec 2011
STANLEY 3 NNW881United StatesJan 1938Sep 2013
STANLEY AIRPORT783Falkland Islands [United Kingdom]Dec 1874Oct 2013
STANLEY IDAHO127United StatesSep 2002Oct 2013
STANLEY MUNI26United StatesFeb 2011Oct 2013
STANLEY POST OFFICE965AustraliaJan 1892Feb 1976
STANLEY RANGER STN143United StatesMay 2001Oct 2013
STANLEY RS180United StatesApr 1998Oct 2013
STANLEY STATE FOREST7AustraliaFeb 1965Mar 1966
STANLEY WWTP1264United StatesSep 1903Oct 2013
STANLY CO AP103United StatesJun 2004Oct 2013

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