Temperature Station List: TUN

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
TUNCELI341TurkeyJan 1964Oct 2013
TUNG HUANG/TUNHWANG905ChinaJan 1938Oct 2013
TUNG-CHING-CHENG4ChinaFeb 1958Nov 1958
TUNG-SHAN /TONSHIAN57ChinaSep 1956Oct 1961
TUNGOKOCEN562RussiaJun 1949Oct 2013
TUNGSTEN223CanadaOct 1966Aug 1990
TUNGSTEN,NW249CanadaOct 1966Dec 1989
TUNICA MUNI AP677United StatesJan 1935Oct 2013
TUNIS1003TunisiaFeb 1887Oct 1994
TUNIS508TunisiaJun 1886Nov 1938
TUNIS CARTHAGE1444TunisiaFeb 1887Oct 2013
TUNKA888RussiaDec 1932Apr 2012
TUNKHANNOCK82United StatesOct 1945Aug 1973
TUNNACK FIRE STATION182AustraliaSep 1997Sep 2013
TUNNAK FIRE STATION202AustraliaJul 1990Oct 2013
TUNNEL25United StatesDec 1921Apr 1925
TUNOSHNA AIRPORT15RussiaJun 2012Oct 2013
TUNXI432ChinaJan 1953Dec 1988
TUNXI192ChinaSep 1960Feb 1997

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