Temperature Station List: UN

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
UNADILLA 2 N30United StatesJan 2011Sep 2013
UNAHA349RussiaDec 1955Jul 1994
UNALAKLEET WSO AP823United StatesSep 1941Oct 2013
UNALASKA36United StatesSep 2010Oct 2013
UNBRA-MALANG16IndonesiaJan 1998Oct 1999
UNDERSAKER186SwedenMay 1967May 1983
UNDERSTEN135SwedenJan 1961May 1992
UNDERWOOD687United StatesMay 1952Oct 2013
UNDERWOOD 12 W378United StatesFeb 1922Jun 1954
UNDERWOOD CALIFORNIA117United StatesNov 2002Oct 2013
UNGARAN12IndonesiaJan 1999Oct 2000
UNGGI358Korea, NorthJan 1915Dec 1944
UNGSKAR279SwedenOct 1972Dec 1995
UNGSKAR275SwedenJan 1973Dec 1995
UNICOI 3 SW267United StatesSep 1956Apr 1979
UNICOI STATE PARK36United StatesNov 1978May 1983
UNICOI TENNESSEE86United StatesNov 2001Nov 2009
UNION856United StatesJul 1937Aug 2009
UNION 3 SSE1220United StatesDec 1902Mar 2012
UNION 8 SW731United StatesJul 1949Sep 2013
UNION BRIDGE46United StatesApr 1915Sep 1919
UNION CENTER283United StatesOct 1951Aug 1975
UNION CITY1364United StatesDec 1895Aug 2013
UNION CITY137United StatesMay 1893Mar 1907
UNION CITY12United StatesJan 1893Apr 1894
UNION CITY FILTRATION PLANT8United StatesNov 2012Aug 2013
UNION COUNTY AIRPORT50United StatesAug 2009Oct 2013
UNION DE REYES MATA126CubaFeb 1983Sep 2005
UNION EXPERIMENT STN1186United StatesOct 1911Dec 2010
UNION GROVE208United StatesOct 1979Oct 2013
UNION PASS ARIZONA226United StatesJun 1994Oct 2013
UNION SPRINGS 9 S1445United StatesSep 1887Sep 2013
UNION VILLAGE DAM38United StatesSep 1950Aug 2013
UNION-CITY1109United StatesOct 1884Dec 1990
UNION-EXP-STN1018United StatesOct 1911Nov 1996
UNION-SPRINGS-9S1179United StatesSep 1887Dec 1990
UNIONTOWN391United StatesJul 1893Oct 1927
UNIONTOWN 1 NE1412United StatesJul 1890Oct 2013
UNIONTOWN-1NE1199United StatesJan 1889Dec 1990
UNIONVILLE1284United StatesMar 1893Sep 2013
UNIONVILLE673United StatesJul 1940Nov 1996
UNIONVILLE113United StatesMay 1950Oct 1959
UNITY580United StatesJul 1936Sep 2005
UNITY117United StatesSep 1949Jun 1959
UNITY74CanadaSep 1956Sep 1966
UNITY SOUTH208CanadaNov 1986Feb 2005
UNITY VILLAGE 2.6ESE31United StatesMay 2007Oct 2013
UNIV OF HAWAII 71325United StatesOct 1958Apr 1963
UNIV OF HAWAII AGR RES CNTR 3419United StatesSep 1978Sep 2013
UNIV OF ILLINOIS WI484United StatesJan 1973Oct 2013
UNIV OF MINN ST PAUL233United StatesSep 1993Sep 2013
UNIV OF NEVADA EXPERIMENT FAR63United StatesFeb 1949Jun 1954
UNIV OF UTAH570United StatesJan 1914Feb 1990
UNIV. DE CHIHUAHUA, CHIHUAHU812MexicoJan 1941Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 21358 (THERESA)179AntarcticaDec 1994Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 21360 (MINNA BLUFF)198AntarcticaJan 1991Jan 2011
UNIV. WI ID 21361 (ELIZABETH)178AntarcticaFeb 1996Feb 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8900 (SIPLE DOME)186AntarcticaJun 1997Jul 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8902 (BUTLER ISLAND)300AntarcticaMar 1986Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8903 (BYRD STATION)517AntarcticaJan 1957Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8905 (MANUELA)332AntarcticaFeb 1984Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8906 (MARBLE POINT)393AntarcticaFeb 1980Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8908 (LETTAU)275AntarcticaFeb 1986Jul 2011
UNIV. WI ID 8913 (SCHWERDTFEGER)313AntarcticaJan 1985Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8914 (D-10)80AntarcticaJun 1990Dec 2012
UNIV. WI ID 8915 (ELAINE)234AntarcticaJan 1986Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8916 (D-47)69AntarcticaFeb 1992Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8917 (SKY-BLU)77AntarcticaJul 2006Sep 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8919 (LINDA)223AntarcticaJan 1991May 2012
UNIV. WI ID 8923 (BONAPARTE POINT)167AntarcticaJan 1992Sep 2012
UNIV. WI ID 8925 (LIMBERT AWS)153AntarcticaMar 1998Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8926 (LARSEN ICE SHELF)64[Missing]Jan 2007Sep 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8927 (PEGASUS NORTH)253AntarcticaJan 1990Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8929 (PENGUIN POINT)78AntarcticaDec 1992Jun 2002
UNIV. WI ID 8931 (MARILYN)299AntarcticaJan 1987Oct 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8934 (FERRELL)355AntarcticaDec 1980Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8934 (PORT MARTIN)104AntarcticaJan 1990Feb 2003
UNIV. WI ID 8947 (RACER ROCK)144AntarcticaOct 1989Mar 2004
UNIV. WI ID 8981 (MOUNT SIPLE)216AntarcticaFeb 1992Dec 2012
UNIV. WI ID 8982 (DOME FUJI)46AntarcticaFeb 1997Aug 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8983 (SCOTT ISLAND)82AntarcticaJan 1988Mar 1999
UNIV. WI ID 8984 (POSSESSION IS.)50AntarcticaApr 2007Jun 2013
UNIV. WI ID 8989 (DOME C II)107AntarcticaJul 1990Oct 2013
UNIV. WISC. # (HARRY)154AntarcticaDec 1994Oct 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8900 (SIPLE65AntarcticaApr 2007Jul 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8911 (GILL)308AntarcticaJan 1985Aug 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8918 (RELAY39AntarcticaMar 2010Sep 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8924 (NICO B224AntarcticaJan 1993Oct 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8931 (MARILY49[Missing]Feb 2009Jul 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8934 (FERREL71[Missing]Dec 2006Jul 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8981 (MOUNT26AntarcticaAug 2010Sep 2013
UNIV. WISC. #8985 (HENRY)232AntarcticaJan 1993Oct 2013
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL119ColombiaJan 1991Dec 2000
UNIVERSITY1465United StatesSep 1854Oct 2013
UNIVERSITY183MaltaJan 1912Dec 1959
UNIVERSITY CAMP257United StatesNov 1989Oct 2013
UNIVERSITY CITY11United StatesJan 1954Dec 1955
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY293CanadaNov 1964May 1990
UNIVERSITY PARK360United StatesOct 1983Oct 2013
UNKNOWN118RussiaMay 1975Jun 1998
UNKNOWN50NetherlandsOct 2008Aug 2013
UNKNOWN12ChinaMay 1974Jan 1978
UNKNOWN 8583411057ChileJan 1900Dec 1992
UNKNOWN 858921693ChileJan 1932Dec 1992
UNKNOWN 858922473ChileJan 1928Sep 1990
UNKNOWN MONGOLIA142MongoliaOct 1973Oct 2013
UNKNOWN STATION170AlgeriaAug 1992Dec 2011
UNKNOWN STATION153AlgeriaJul 1994Dec 2011
UNKNOWN STATION116MoldovaMay 1996Dec 2011
UNSILGORT125RussiaMay 1979Aug 1994
UNSKIJ MAJAK102RussiaMay 1979Mar 1993
UNST ISLAND171United KingdomDec 1981Jun 1998
UNTRA241SwedenJun 1965Jun 1985
UNUK RIVER22United StatesApr 1953Aug 1956
UNUK RIVER ESKAY CREEK141CanadaOct 1989Jun 2010
UNYE323TurkeyJan 1964Dec 1990
UNZENDAKE409JapanJan 1953Oct 2013

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