November 2015 anomaly


Temperature Anomaly 1.364C 0.053C (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 1.877C 0.183  (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 18 out of 1991 range: 14 – 26 Any 1 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 2 out of 166 range: 1 – 4 Same 1 month period
Temperature Anomaly 0.658C 0.074 (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 0.904C 0.105 (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 3 out of 1991 range: 1 – 9 Any 1 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 166 range: 1 – 1 Same 1 month period
Land & Ocean
Temperature Anomaly 0.954C 0.052 C (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 1.303C 0.093 (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 2 out of 1991 range: 1 – 3 Any 1 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 166 range: 1 – 1 Same 1 month period

November Extremes


Record Low: 0.03%
Extreme Low: 0.01%
Very Low: 0.20%
Below Average: 6.49%
Near Average: 21.41%
Above Average: 42.99%
Very High: 15.45%
Extreme High: 5.52%
Record High: 7.90%

Year to Date Anomaly: Jan-Nov2015


Temperature Anomaly 1.134C 0.049C (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 1.638C 0.182  (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 6 out of 1981 range: 1 – 13 Any 11 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 166 range: 1 – 3 Same 11 month period

Temperature Anomaly 0.587  C 0.069C (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 0.830C 0.101  (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 1981 range: 1 – 10 Any 11 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 166 range: 1 – 2 Same 11 month period
Land & Ocean
Temperature Anomaly 0.770 C 0.049C (+-) Relative to 1951-1980
Temperature Anomaly 1.115C 0.091  (+-) Relative to 1850-1900
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 1981 range: 1 – 5 Any 11 month period
Anomaly Rank since 1850 1 out of 166 range: 1 – 1 Same 11 month period

YTD Extremes: Jan-Nov2015


Record Low: 0.13%
Extreme Low: 0.11%
Very Low: 0.52%
Below Average: 6.7%
Near Average: 13.03%
Above Average: 31.54%
Very High: 20.51%
Extreme High: 12.62%
Record High: 14.85%

Time Series





Land & Ocean


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