Berkeley Earth Awarded Climate Action Grant from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

BERKELEY, CA — As part of their commitment to supporting urgent climate action, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation has awarded Berkeley Earth a $100,000 Climate Action Grant in support of its continued contributions to advancing open-source environmental data science.

The grant will be used to support Berkeley Earth’s leading open-source global surface temperature data set.

“As a nonprofit Berkeley Earth relies solely on contributions such as this to fund our vital climate change and air pollution research,” said Berkeley Earth co-founder and Board President Liz Muller. “I thank the PJMF for recognizing the value of climate data because facts matter when it comes to making sure the world’s policymakers are able to make informed decisions about global warming.”

The 2021 PJMF Climate Action Awards, totaling $3.5 million and granted to 11 global organizations working on projects across climate and environmental data science, were announced Friday, December 17th in conjunction with the launch of PJMF’s new Accelerator Grant Program to advance data-driven climate solutions.

“To meet the urgent challenges of climate change, we need to deploy data science and AI in new and innovative ways,” said PJMF President Vilas Dhar.

Berkeley Earth’s open-source surface temperature data set is the only independent, non-governmental global temperature record. Differentiated by a more flexible, inclusive approach for analyzing temperature observations, Berkeley Earth’s global temperature record incorporates data from a greater number of the world’s temperature stations. Frequently referenced by the world’s leading media outlets, the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Data Set was cited nearly 80 times in the 2021 UN IPCC Working Group I Report.

The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation is a 21st century philanthropy dedicated to bridging the frontiers of artificial intelligence, data science, and social impact. Awarding more than $295 million in philanthropic grants since its inception, the Foundation invests in the exploration, enhancement, and development of AI and data science for good.

The full text of the foundation’s press release can be accessed here


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