Temperature Station List: JUA

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
JUALIN6United StatesMar 1928Aug 1929
JUAN CARLOS I AWS4AntarcticaDec 2006Feb 2010
JUAN FERNANDEZ43ChileSep 1995Jul 2013
JUAN FERNANDEZ8ChileAug 1948Nov 1952
JUAN PABLO PEREZ AL105VenezuelaOct 1991Oct 2013
JUAN SANTAMARIA INT. AIRPORT699Costa RicaJul 1955Oct 2013
JUANA DIAZ CAMP572Puerto Rico [United States]Jan 1907Feb 1969
JUANDA101IndonesiaMar 2005Oct 2013
JUANITA LAKE CALIFORNIA264United StatesJan 1989Oct 2013
JUANJUI521PeruJan 1955Oct 2013

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