Temperature Station List: MOB

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
MOBAYE85Central African RepublicAug 1992Dec 2012
MOBERLY1364United StatesSep 1899Oct 2013
MOBILE DOWNTOWN AP679United StatesJul 1942Oct 2013
MOBILE STATE DOCKS37United StatesAug 2010Oct 2013
MOBILE UA STN ATLANT142CanadaNov 1977Jul 2006
MOBILE WB CITY429United StatesJan 1930Dec 1965
MOBILE/BATES FIELD, AL.1690United StatesJan 1873Oct 2013
MOBRIDGE 2 NNW1047United StatesJan 1911Sep 2013
MOBRIDGE MUNICIPAL AP431United StatesJan 1973Oct 2013
MOBURG CANYON IDAHO305United StatesFeb 1985Oct 2013

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