Temperature Station List: MORO

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
MORO1365United StatesJan 1898Oct 2013
MOROBAY LOCK257United StatesSep 1962Jun 1984
MOROCHATA44BoliviaAug 1943Dec 1964
MOROGORO210TanzaniaJan 1957Oct 2013
MOROMBE90MadagascarJul 1977Oct 2004
MORON DE LA FRONTERA684SpainDec 1955Oct 2013
MORON(AAFB)97ArgentinaJan 1973Nov 1981
MORONDAVA MADAGAS307MadagascarSep 1975Mar 2008
MORONGO VALLEY NORTH56United StatesFeb 2009Oct 2013
MORONI1191United StatesJul 1910Jun 2013
MORONI AIRPORT /GRA68ComorosJul 1974Sep 1981
MORONI COMOROS ISLANDS494ComorosJan 1938Feb 1983
MORONI/GRANDE-COMORE338ComorosJan 1951Sep 1980
MOROTAI/PITU86IndonesiaOct 1944Aug 1965
MOROTAI===INDONESIA (CON65IndonesiaJan 1951Feb 1958
MOROZOVSK557RussiaDec 1949Oct 2013

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