Temperature Station List: OH

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
OHA299RussiaMay 1937Oct 2013
OHAGAMUTE22United StatesApr 1936May 1938
OHAKEA234New ZealandMar 1954Oct 1991
OHANSK516RussiaJan 1969Oct 2013
OHARA BAR14United StatesDec 1909Feb 1913
OHE'O 258.6174United StatesNov 1998Sep 2013
OHIO GULCH IDAHO277United StatesJul 1990Oct 2013
OHIO STATE UNIVERSI363United StatesAug 1982Oct 2013
OHIO UNIVERSITY SNY75United StatesJun 2007Oct 2013
OHIOVILLE30United StatesJan 1924Nov 1927
OHONY158RussiaJan 1959Oct 2013
OHOTSKIJPEREVOZ330RussiaJan 1959Oct 2013
OHRID413MacedoniaMay 1975Oct 2013
OHRID-AERODROME224MacedoniaJul 1991Jul 2013
OHRINGEN794GermanyMay 1947Jul 2013

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