2022 Global Temperature Anomaly Since 1850
Animation showing the change in global average temperature anomaly from 1850-2022 relative to the 1951- 1980 mean.

2021 Record High and Record Low Temperatures Worldwide
A Berkeley Earth animation showing 2021 record high and record low temperatures worldwide.

2021 Global Temperature Anomaly Since 1850
A Berkeley Earth animation showing the anomaly in the annual average global temperature relative to the 1951-1980 mean.

Summer Temperature Anomaly Distribution
An animation showing the shift in the distribution of summer daily high temperatures in the contiguous United States.

North American Heatwave Temperature Variance
A visualization reflecting observed North American heat wave temperature variance by month.

10,000 Years of Carbon Dioxide
A graph reflecting atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations over the last 10,000 years.

Changes in Earth’s Surface Temperature Distribution
This Berkeley Earth data visualization tracks 2020 surface temperature anomaly distributions, relative to the 1951-1980 average.

Status of the Paris Agreement as of February 2021
A map reflecting the status of the Paris Climate Agreement by country as of February 2021.

2020 Global Temperature Records
A visualization of record high temperatures and record low temperatures based on raw data recorded by more than 8,000 weather stations over 40 years.

Global Warming by Country and Region 1850-2020
This visualization, in the style of a switchboard, depicts global warming by country and region from 1850 to 2020.

Periods When the Arctic Ocean has been Passable
A representation of the length of time during which sea ice levels in the Arctic Ocean were at 15% or less, allowing for clear passage through the Arctic Ocean.

Temperature Change vs. Carbon Dioxide Concentration
A representation of the changes in global mean temperature relative to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.

Evolving Pattern of Warmest and Coldest Years
This animation shows the occurrence of record warmest and coldest years over time. As the animation progresses, old records are replaced by new records.

Map of Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Person
Animated map showing the changes in greenhouse gas emissions per person from 1850 to 2016.

National Greenhouse Gas Emissions, 1850 to 2016
Animation showing national greenhouse gas emissions from 1850 to 2016.

Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Intensity Since 1950
This animation shows the track and intensity of every tropical cyclone recorded in the IBTrACS data set from 1950 to 2018.

Arctic Sea Ice Changes During the Satellite Era
This video shows the history of sea ice distributions in the Arctic since satellite monitoring of this region began.

The Earth’s Carbon Cycle
Animated diagram of the Earth's Carbon Cycle and how it has changed over time.

2019 Record Temperatures
This video provides a visualization of 2019 global record high temperatures and record low temperatures. In our research we concluded that 2019 was the second warmest year on Earth since 1850. The global mean temperature in 2019 was colder than 2016 but warmer than every other year that has been directly measured.

Changes in Earth’s Surface Temperature Distribution
This animation shows how the distribution of temperature anomalies on the Earth’s surface has shifted over the last 170 years. Since the first Earth Day, 50 years ago, the Earth has warmed about 0.9 °C (1.6 °F).

Carbon Dioxide and Global Temperature Visualization
There has been a close correlation between changes in global temperature and the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the last 170 years. Here’s an animated history of temperature vs. carbon dioxide.

World Map Climate Stripes Animation
A ShowYourStripes based animation depicting how climate around the world has evolved during the last 120 years, as presented in the style of Ed Hawkins climate stripes. Create your own climate stripes: http://showyourstripes.info