Temperature Station List: ARE

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
ARE145SwedenJul 2001Oct 2013
ARE-BJORNANGE_V122SwedenJun 2001Dec 2011
ARECIBO 3 ESE1154Puerto Rico [United States]Jan 1900Oct 2013
ARECIBO OBSERVATORY384Puerto Rico [United States]Feb 1980May 2013
ARENA COVE68United StatesMar 2006Oct 2013
ARENDTSVILLE553United StatesSep 1918Dec 1971
AREQUIPA245PeruJan 1931Dec 1963
AREQUIPA AIRP.1105PeruJan 1900Oct 2013
AREZZO509ItalyJan 1957Oct 2013

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