Temperature Station List: ILO

Alphabetical Listing

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Temperature Stations

Station NameMonthsCountryEarliestMost Recent
ILO33PeruNov 2007Jul 2013
ILOILO CITY, ILOILO1198PhilippinesJan 1903Mar 2011
ILOMANTSI KK485FinlandMay 1959May 2000
ILOMANTSI MEKRIJARVI167FinlandOct 1999Aug 2013
ILOMANTSI MEKRIJARVI127FinlandApr 2003Oct 2013
ILOMANTSI NAARVA176FinlandNov 1989Jun 2004
ILOMANTSI POTSONVAARA107FinlandJul 2004Oct 2013
ILOMANTSI VALIVAARA154FinlandJan 1977Oct 1989
ILOPANGO118El SalvadorJan 1971Dec 1980
ILORIN NIGI ILOR445NigeriaJan 1951Mar 2013
ILOVLJA7RussiaNov 2012Oct 2013

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