February 2025 Temperature Update
February 2025 was the third warmest February on record, behind 2024 and 2020. However, there is now a ~38% chance that 2025 will be the warmest year on record, which is 8% more than the estimate made last month.
February 2025 was the third warmest February on record, behind 2024 and 2020. However, there is now a ~38% chance that 2025 will be the warmest year on record, which is 8% more than the estimate made last month.
Globally, January 2025 was the warmest January on record, surpassing January 2024 by 0.09 °C. This is a surprising result given the La Niña event that began in December. There is now a ~30% chance that 2025 will be the warmest year on record (up from ~6% from the start of the year).
2024 was warmest year on Earth since direct observations began. In Berkeley Earth’s analysis 2024 was 1.62 °C above our 1850-1900 average, making it the second year above 1.5 °C. The recent warming appears faster than expected.
2024 was warmest year on Earth since direct observations began. In Berkeley Earth’s analysis 2024 was 1.62 °C above our 1850-1900 average, making it the second year above 1.5 °C.
Berkeley Earth is dedicated to advancing the field of climate science by providing open-source, high-resolution datasets that enhance the understanding of local climate dynamics and risks. In keeping with this ethos, today we introduce our forthcoming Climate Model Synthesis project, which aims to address critical gaps in existing climate models by applying bias correction and […]
Berkeley Earth is honored to be presenting new research at the American Geophysical Union’s AGU2024 Conference, taking place from December 9th-13th in Washington DC. This year’s conference will mark the first public presentation of Berkeley Earth’s groundbreaking new work making climate model data more accurate and accessible. This new data set comprised of de-biased and […]
2023 was warmest year on Earth since direct observations began. In Berkeley Earth’s analysis 2023 was 1.54 °C above our 1850-1900 average, making it the first year above 1.5 °C. The extreme heat was due to a combination of natural and man-made factors, including global warming and an emerging El Niño event. 17% of the Earth’s surface had a locally warmest year, affecting 2.3 billion people, including significant parts of Asia, South and Central America.
The record-shattering heat over the summer has raised the possibility that 2023 could finish the year above the 1.5°C warming threshold set by the Paris Agreement. Zeke Hausfather examines the nuances of tihis threshold across the different temperature reporting data sets.
Following the record-smashing summer of 2023, Berkeley Earth’s Zeke Hausfather explores the increasing evidence that global warming has accelerated over the past 15 years in this New York Times Opinion piece.
Amidst a summer of extremes, this analysis by Berkeley Earth’s Zeke Hausfather examines how extreme temperatures are trending relative to climate models.
Berkeley Earth, a non-profit research organization, is releasing a beta version of its new High-Resolution Temperature Dataset. Representing a significant improvement over the existing, peer-reviewed data set, the Berkeley Earth High Resolution Data Set incorporates machine learning technology to reproduce small-scale temperature variations, allowing for unprecedented spatial resolution relative to existing products. At 0.25° x […]
A recent analysis by The Washington Post uses Berkeley Earth’s time-series data to reveals how some regions are warming at a slower rate relative to the global average.
Berkeley Earth’s new high-resolution data set will represent a quantum leap forward in the ability to represent the long-term impacts of climate change at the local level.
In this guest blog post, originally published in Carbon Brief, Berkeley Earth Research Scientist Dr. Zeke Hausfather fact checks the recent reemergence of claims that global warming has ‘paused’ over the last eight years.
Extreme heat is the most costly of all extreme weather phenomena, both in terms of its impact on human health and wellbeing, as well as its economic impact. In this episode we talk with Eleni Myrivili, Chief Heat Officer for the City of Athens, and Senior Advisor for the Atlantic Council, about the ways data is being used to build urban resilience in the face of extreme heat events caused by climate change.
In celebration of Earth Day 2022, Data Points is thrilled to welcome climate stripes creator Professor Ed Hawkins for a conversation with Berkeley Earth Lead Scientist Dr. Robert Rohde about the importance of making climate science accessible, the ongoing efforts to “rescue” historic climate data, and why filling the gaps in the historical climate record is essential to crafting future adaptive strategies.
In the first episode of our 2022 Data Points series, we are honored to welcome Abubakr Salih Babiker, Erick Otenyo, and Marta Baraibar of the IGAD Climate Predications and Applications Center (ICPAC) to discuss the essential nature of climate services and early warning systems in climate change adaptation.
Using a novel homogenized daily temperature record from Berkeley Earth, the first of its kind, Hausfather’s presentation will outline findings that more maximum daily temperature records have been set in the last decade than previously reported. Click below for a full video summary and link to presentation abstract.
As world leaders gather at the COP26 Climate Change Conference to confront the challenge of slowing global warming, Berkeley Earth, a nonprofit independent source of climate change data since 2013, has produced a new resource, Actionable Insights for Policymakers, offering for every country warming scenarios consistent with the 2021 IPCC Report findings.
Ahead of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, Berkeley Earth climate scientists answer your questions about the climate science of a world below 1.5°C.
The awards, announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on Tuesday, October 5th, recognized the three scientists for their individual work, the combined effect of which, “provided groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems,” leading to greater understanding of the complex interactions of physical phenomena involved in global warming and climate change.
Beginning on June 26th, and lasting for the better part of a week, a massive “heat dome” settled across the Pacific Northwest, creating some of the most extreme heat conditions ever observed in North America. With record-setting temperatures upwards of 40 degrees Celsius above average, this heatwave generated significant global media coverage. Below, Berkeley Earth […]
“In many ways 2020 was the year in which both climate change and the accelerating energy transition became impossible to ignore” Dr. Zeke Hausfather, Written Testimony for Hearing on The Science Behind the Impacts of the Climate Crisis On Friday, March 12th, Berkeley Earth Research Scientist Dr. Zeke Hausfather was invited to serve as an […]
We sit down with social entrepreneur, environmental policy innovator, Berkeley Earth Board Director, and In This Together Co-Founder Bill Shireman to discuss the important role of independent climate science in taking a data-driven approach to climate solutions.
Berkeley Earth released our annual Global Temperature Report for 2020, including findings that 2020 was the second warmest year on record. Thanks to our partners in the media, the independent research, data, and findings we presented in this report have reached an audience of nearly 400 million worldwide. One highlight of our impact: Berkeley Earth’s […]
Berkeley Earth Global Temperature Update: 2020 Was Second Warmest Year Since 1850 Berkeley, Calif. — Berkeley Earth today released its Global Temperature Report for 2020, concluding that the year was nominally the second warmest on Earth since 1850 based on land and ocean data. Globally, 2020 was slightly cooler than and nearly tied with 2016. […]
2023 was warmest year on Earth since direct observations began. In Berkeley Earth’s analysis 2023 was 1.54 °C above our 1850-1900 average, making it the first year above 1.5 °C. The extreme heat was due to a combination of natural and man-made factors, including global warming and an emerging El Niño event. 17% of the Earth’s surface had a locally warmest year, affecting 2.3 billion people, including significant parts of Asia, South and Central America.
Marking Berkeley Earth’s tenth year of providing independent, open-source analysis of global average temperatures, the 2022 Annual Temperature Report finds that 2022 was nominally the fifth warmest on Earth since 1850. The last eight years have been the eight warmest years on record.
2022 was nominally the fifth warmest year since record keeping began in 1850, as La Niña as kept temperatures a bit cooler. 28 countries, including most of Western Europe, New Zealand, and China set new record high annual averages.
BERKELEY, CA — Berkeley Earth today released its annual report on global mean temperature, concluding that while 2021 was significantly colder than 2020, it was nominally the sixth warmest year on Earth since 1850, 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2F) above the 1850 to 1900 average. Given the uncertainties associated with temperature measurements, the years 2015, 2018, […]
2021 was nominally the sixth warmest year since record keeping began in 1850. 25 countries, including China, Nigeria, and South Korea, set new record high annual averages.
Berkeley Earth, a California-based non-profit research organization, has been preparing independent analyses of global mean temperature changes since 2013. The following is our report on global mean temperature during 2020. We conclude that 2020 was nominally the second warmest year on Earth since 1850. Our estimate of the global mean temperature in 2020 was slightly […]
While our fully open-source surface temperature datasets have been publicly available for some time, this paper represents the first time our complete detailed methodology has been formally published. The paper specifically includes discussion of Berkeley Earth’s treatment of air temperature in the Arctic region, and provides visualization of the global warming trends suggested by Berkeley Earth’s dataset vs. other global temperature records.
As an eventful year of climate news comes to a close, Berkeley Earth climate scientists Dr. Robert Rohde and Dr. Zeke Hausfather talk with Social Media Manager Kari Hulac about air surface temperature records and the significant warming event in the Arctic region, as well as preview some exciting new research about climate change mitigation efforts.
Congratulations are in order for Berkeley Earth’s sister organization Deep Isolation, who announced today the closing of a $20m Series A funding round, led by nuclear industry leaders NAC International. Founded by Berkeley Earth Co-Founder and President Elizabeth Muller, Deep Isolation is developing a patented process to safely dispose of nuclear waste, a major issue […]
Globally, November 2024 was the second warmest November since record-keeping began in 1850. Though recent extraordinary warmth has begun to wane, 2024 remains almost certain to become the warmest year on record.
Globally, October 2024 was nominally the second warmest October since record-keeping began in 1850, though also essentially tied with 2023. 2024 is now almost certain to become the warmest year on record.
Globally, August 2024 was the warmest August since record-keeping began in 1850, continuing a 15-month streak of broken & tied records. 2024 is now almost certain to become the warmest year on record.
Globally, July 2024 was tied for the warmest July since record-keeping began in 1850, continuing a 14-month streak of records. 2024 is now very likely to become the warmest year on record.
Globally, June 2024 was the warmest June since record-keeping began in 1850, continuing a 13-month streak of records. 2024 is now likely to become the warmest year on record.
Globally, April 2024 was the warmest April since record-keeping began in 1850. This year is very likely to become either the warmest or 2nd warmest on record.
Globally, March 2024 was nominally the warmest March since record-keeping began in 1850, though only by a tiny margin. This year is very likely to become either the warmest or 2nd warmest on record.
Globally, February 2024 was the warmest February since record-keeping began in 1850, breaking the previous record by a small margin. This year is very likely to become either the warmest or 2nd warmest on record.
Globally, January 2024 was the warmest January since record-keeping began in 1850, breaking the previous record by a small margin. This year is very likely to become either the warmest or 2nd warmest on record.
Globally, November 2023 was the warmest November since record-keeping began in 1850, breaking the previous record by a large margin. 2023 is virtually certain to become a record warm year, and be 1.5 °C above our preindustrial average.
Globally, September 2023 was the warmest September since record-keeping began in 1850, breaking the previous record by a enormous margin. 2023 is virtually certain to become a record warm year, and likely to be 1.5 °C above preindustrial.
Globally, August 2023 was the warmest August since record-keeping began in 1850, breaking the previous record by a large margin. El Niño is underway and strengthening, and 2023 is virtually certain to become a record warm year.
Globally, July 2023 was the warmest month since record-keeping began in 1850. El Niño is underway and strengthening, and 2023 is virtually certain to become a record warm year.
Globally, June 2023 was the warmest June since record-keeping began in 1850. El Niño is underway and strengthening, and 2023 is now likely to become a record warm year.
Globally, May 2023 was the 3rd warmest May since record-keeping began in 1850. A return of El Niño is ongoing, and 2023 is now slightly more likely than not to become a record warm year.
Globally, April 2023 was the 4th warmest April since record-keeping began in 1850. A return of El Niño is expected, and 2023 is now slightly more likely than not to become a record warm year.
Globally, March 2023 was the 2nd warmest March since record-keeping began in 1850. Thus far, 2023 is on pace to be the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th warmest year, but a significant chance of a new record exists. El Niño is likely to develop later this year.
Globally, February 2023 was the 5th warmest February since record-keeping began in 1850. La Niña has ended. Thus far, 2023 is on pace to be the 3rd, 4th, or 5th warmest year, but still has time to move higher or lower. If a strong El Niño develops later this year, a chance remains for 2023 to become a record warm year.
Globally, November 2022 was the 11th warmest November since record-keeping began in 1850, and the 18th warmest on land. 2022 is likely to be the 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, October 2022 was the 3rd warmest October since record-keeping began in 1850, and the warmest on land. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is very likely to be the 4th or 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, September 2022 was the 4th warmest September since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, August 2022 was the 3rd warmest August since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, July 2022 was the 4th warmest July since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, June 2022 was the 2nd warmest June since record-keeping began in 1850, and the warmest on land. Due to La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall.
Globally, March 2022 was the 5th warmest March since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall, with only a small chance of a new record.
Globally, February 2022 was the 8th warmest February since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall, with only a small chance of a new record.
Globally, January 2022 was the 6th warmest January since record-keeping began in 1850. Due to ongoing La Niña conditions, 2022 is projected to be around the 4th or 5th warmest year overall, with only a small chance of a new record.
Globally, June 2021 was the fourth warmest June since record-keeping began in 1850. La Niña has ended, but its lasting impact has contributed to relative coolness in 2021.
Globally, March 2021 was the ninth warmest March since record-keeping began in 1850. Diminishing La Niña conditions have been present in the Pacific and contribute to the relative coolness this year.
Globally, January 2021 was the sixth warmest January since record-keeping began in 1850. Moderate La Niña conditions continue in the Pacific, making it unlikely that 2021 will set a new record for warmest year.
Globally, October 2020 was the fifth warmest October since record-keeping began in 1850. La Niña conditions strengthened in October, significantly reducing the likelihood that 2020 sets a new record for warmest year.
In this midst of a record-setting fire season, Berkeley Earth’s climate scientists Robert Rhode and Zeke Hausfather talk with Social Media Manager Kari Hulac to discuss climate change and the fires burning across the West.
An earlier version of this article originally appeared on the Asthma Allergies Children website. By Liz Muller As I write this white ash is visible in the polluted San Francisco Bay Area air, wafting down from a smoky orange sky and into our lungs, a dangerous byproduct of wildfires burning more than 3 million acres […]
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